
Chick flick anyone?

Today I realized how much my life is like a shitty chick flick movie - I would say I was the main character but at the moment I play the role of the best friend that always gives bad advice. My friend, Chez, has just been asked out by a guy, to keep them from embarrassment let’s just call him Dave. Now she doesn't really like Dave but needs the kissing practice (we go to an all-girls school) but she feels like she is using him although she is pretty sure the guy only asked her out because she thinks he wants to get lucky.
When she told me all this I couldn't help relating it to the 2008 movie Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging – (having just re-watched the movie and realised that I am approaching the age range it is set about this furthers my inkling) where the main character is similar to my friend Chez on many levels.
To fully understand the comparison; we have to delve into what makes the characters Chez and Georgia tick.
For starters Georgia has a massive sex drive. Georgia also has massive tits, a big nose, is awkward and is bloody desperate.
NOW LETS COMPARE Chez, well, darling Chez has a sex drive it’s not as massive as Georgia’s, but neither her nose (MAYBE PEOPLE WITH BIG NOSES ARE HORNYER THAN PEOPLE WITH SMALLER NOSES), Chez has massive tits and is awkward and let’s face it; is bloody desperate.
They are very similar.
Now for the role of best friend: Jaz - The only thing remotely similar I (Alice) have to Jaz, I dare say, are small tits.
But I still can't help but feel I'm in a shitty chick flick.
So secondly I must determine what has happened so far and how (I think) it will turn out and compare it to what happened in the book.
What has happened so far; well let’s start when Chez met all these fella’s, and told me of one she had taken a particular interest to (before you ask not Harold) this was a particularly good-looking boy to keep them from embarrassment let’s just call him Robbie. Sound similar.
  I thought so.
Then she went to this event and befriended to keep them from embarrassment let’s just call him Peter. Now Peter flirted with her and made her think he was interested, then once she had asked him out completely turned her down. Chez was going to use him as an experiment – like Peter Dyer.
Once this had happened she got a friend request on Facebook from Dave, who started talking to her more and more. Long story short- he asked her out and she wanted to know a bit about dating- having been deprived of this knowledge in our hellish all-girl’s school. Perhaps she wanted to make a certain Robby jealous; again with the similarity.
Now that is as far as we are in really time, but let’s look into the future shall we, I know she wants to end up with Robbie but; will she, like Georgia Nickleson,
SPOILER ALERT end up with Dave and be stalked by Peter. Personally I’m routing for Robbie

Chez's tumblr: http://cebcebify.tumblr.com/ 

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